He's a hardworking father, diligently struggling to feed his little family. The babies clamor for nourishment, yet remain strangely silent in spite of their frenzy. Faithful and patient, the father returns again and again, each time bringing some new expected treat. It is impossible not to stare at the silent ballet of love, devotion, and self-sacrifice. Each tiny mouth is fed, equally and fairly, as if the young father keeps accurate accounts.
The young robin's nest has been built low to the ground and exposed to the sky, so it is obvious that he is young and inexperienced in the ways of the world in which he lives. No stray cats nor hawks disturb the imagination of this devoted dad.
I sit on the ground, tearing up the sod to expose the juicy worms and grubs, and I pray for the safety of the lonely male, who remains devoted to nest and family. His four younglings will soon hunt in our front garden, ravenously devouring any insects and grubs that come within their grasp.
I cannot help but wonder about the mother of the little nestlings. Where has she gone? And why does she not return? Perhaps she fell victim to the many cats that roam in our neighborhood. Perhaps she found a new husband who was more desirable. Or perhaps she understood the uncertainties of life, trusting in this young family man to remain faithful no matter what became of her. Perhaps, like me, she found it easy to fall in love with the male who would best provide for her children should she no longer be able to.
There is a lesson as well as a mystery here in my front garden. The mystery of why, where, and how can only be answered by the lesson of faithfulness and diligence of this young male robin. Parental love is not exclusive to the mothering hen, but it also burns within the heart of the single father, who asks nothing more than the opportunity to serve with love.
Jaye Lewis
Jaye Lewis is an award winning writer who looks at life from a unique perspective, celebrating the miraculous in the day to day. Jaye writes and lives with her family in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Jaye is searching for a publisher for her recently completed manuscript, Entertaining Angels. She is also a contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul and Chicken Soup for Every Mom's Soul. You can email Jaye at: jlewis@smyth.net