"Decisions are easy when values are clear."
You awaken and immediately decide, it's going to be a great day or you decide that it's not.
You drive to work and the car next to you suddenly cuts you off, you can choose to immediately respond with understanding or with anger.
You get to work and your boss tells you about a change in operations that will happen next week. You can choose to be excited about the opportunity or fearful of the change.
Later in the day, you are asked to lunch by a couple of new guys from another department. You can decide to make new friends and go or be small and kindly decline.
Before you leave for the day, you receive an email about giving to an annual charity campaign. You can choose to give freely or hold on tightly.
When you get home, your toddler asks you to play 'batman and monsters.' You can make the choice to join in the fun or refuse.
At dinner, the dog jumps on your lap again, who let the dog in anyway? You can choose to be patient and calmly let the dog outside or you can show your frustration and fatigue.
After dinner, your oldest child brings in his math test, he earned a 'B.' You can choose to encourage and recognize the effort or tear him down by asking why it wasn't an 'A.'
When you go to work in your shop later in the evening, you can choose to wear PPE and work safely or you can make the choice not to wear it.
At bedtime, as you turn off the light, you can choose to tell your spouse what he/she means to you or you can keep quiet.
What kind of day would it have been if you chose the former in all cases? What type of day would it have been if you had decided on the latter in all situations? In these cases there are not any 'rights' or 'wrongs' just simple choices. The hidden secret of life however is that we are a product of the simple decisions we make each moment. Each day we make hundreds if not thousands of choices. We make a conscious choice for happiness, leadership, a smile, love, kindness or generosity. Or we just as easily opt for smallness, fear, anger, resentment, bitterness or hatred.
So, what type of day is it? The choice is up to you...
Matt Forck